Curriculum   1 comment

The word “Taiji” means “the supreme ultimate”

Taiji and qigong involve physical movement, philosophy, and meditation. Learning Qigong and Taiji can bring one to a remarkably peaceful place with a new awareness of reality.

There are two main areas to explore with beginners. The first is Qigong, the second is Taijiquan.  Taiji classes involve about half the allotted time to Qigong and half to Taijiquan. There is also a program just for students with arthritis.

Qigong, “energy cultivation” is the most important practice anyone could ever do.Most Qigong movements are simple, focused, slow moving, designed to stretch, and strengthen the muscles, fascia tissues and internal organs as well as align the spine and calm the mind and emotions. Using the mind to control your breath is a gateway to a strong connection with your energy. When practiced correctly you will find all the peace and harmony that you never knew existed before.

For my website dedicated only to Qigong click here: Qigong on Maui

Taijiquan is a Gong Fu (kung fu) form that maximizes qi flow and improves balance and strengthens the whole being. The word “quan” (pronounced “chew-on”) added to the word “Taiji” means “fist”  for “martial art.”   When you learn Taiji+quan you are learning “The supreme ultimate martial art”.

Taiji will also get you in touch with your balance, profoundly strengthening your core muscles.

Meditation classes involve Qigong and Sitting Qigong where students use their basic skills added with Taoist philosophy in a way that allows them to find Wuji  in the mind.  Energy is the common denominator. Taoist Meditation is unique in it’s methods;  learning to make a direct connection to energy is one of the greatest gifts one can give themselves.

Beginner level I classes focus on learning basic principles, the basic qigong set, and the first section of the Dong (Yang) Style Taiji form. A lot of  time is  spent explaining basics.

Beginner level II classes focus on doing the qigong set and working primarily on the first section of the Dong (Yang) Style Taiji form, and introducing the second section meditative experience.

Intermediate level classes continue learning the Yang style second and third section and beyond depending on each class. It is suggested that students already know the warm-ups, qigong and the first section of the long form. More advanced movements, principles and qigong sets are also learned.

Advanced Classes take students further along the Way. Advanced qigong as well as other forms. Instruction in the Dong Style “family” short form and Wudang Style Taiji and Gong Fu fundamentals as well as push hands and weapons training.

For a detailed list of the various forms I teach, click here.

For my Class Schedule, click here.

Posted December 3, 2009 by The Maui Taoist

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  1. Cory, This is Fong Ha. I will be in Maui on Sept. 19 -28….
    Fong Ha

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